load( 'http://xmlfeed.laterooms.com/index.aspx?aid=9031&rtype=3&hids='.$hotelid.'&sdate='.$datelr.'&nights='.$nights ); $hotels = $doc->getElementsByTagName( "hotel" ); foreach ( $hotels as $hotel ) { $references = $hotel->getElementsByTagName( "hotel_ref" ); $ref = $references->item(0)->nodeValue; $names = $hotel->getElementsByTagName( "hotel_name" ); $name = $names->item(0)->nodeValue; $namef = str_replace(" ", "-", $name); $addresses = $hotel->getElementsByTagName( "hotel_address" ); $address = $addresses->item(0)->nodeValue; $stars = $hotel->getElementsByTagName( "hotel_star" ); $star = $stars->item(0)->nodeValue; $awarders = $hotel->getElementsByTagName( "star_awarded_by" ); $awarder = $awarders->item(0)->nodeValue; $ratings = $hotel->getElementsByTagName( "customer_rating" ); $rating = $ratings->item(0)->nodeValue; $descriptions = $hotel->getElementsByTagName( "hotel_description" ); $description = $descriptions->item(0)->nodeValue; $directionss = $hotel->getElementsByTagName( "hotel_directions" ); $directions = $directionss->item(0)->nodeValue; $counties = $hotel->getElementsByTagName( "hotel_county" ); $county = $counties->item(0)->nodeValue; $check_ins = $hotel->getElementsByTagName( "check_in" ); $check_in = $check_ins->item(0)->nodeValue; $check_outs = $hotel->getElementsByTagName( "check_out" ); $check_out = $check_outs->item(0)->nodeValue; $links = $hotel->getElementsByTagName( "hotel_link" ); $link = $links->item(0)->nodeValue; $linkf = str_replace(" ","",$link); $lrrates = $hotel->getElementsByTagName( "lr_rates" ); foreach( $lrrates as $lrrate ) { $hotel_rooms = $lrrate->getElementsByTagName('hotel_rooms'); foreach( $hotel_rooms as $hotel_room ) { $rooms = $hotel_room->getElementsByTagName('room'); $rfaccount = 0; foreach( $rooms as $room ) { $rrefs = $room->getElementsByTagName( "ref" ); $rref = $rrefs->item(0)->nodeValue; $roomfacilities = $room->getElementsByTagName( "room_facilities" ); foreach( $roomfacilities as $roomfacilitie ) { $r_facilities = $roomfacilitie->getElementsByTagName( "room_facility" ); foreach( $r_facilities as $r_facility ) { $rf_groups = $r_facility->getElementsByTagName('facility_group_name'); foreach($rf_groups as $rf_group){ $rfac_group = $rf_group->nodeValue; $rfac_present ++; } } } } } } // geo sub node $geos = $hotel->getElementsByTagName( "geo_code" ); foreach( $geos as $geo ) { $longs = $geo->getElementsByTagName( "long" ); $long = $longs->item(0)->nodeValue; $lats = $geo->getElementsByTagName( "lat" ); $lat = $lats->item(0)->nodeValue; } // images sub node $images = $hotel->getElementsByTagName( "images" ); foreach( $images as $image ) { $urls = $image->getElementsByTagName('url'); $piccount = 0; foreach($urls as $url){ $pic = $url->nodeValue; $piccount ++; } } // facilities sub node $facilities = $hotel->getElementsByTagName( "facilities" ); foreach( $facilities as $facilitie ) { $facilitys = $facilitie->getElementsByTagName('facility'); $faccount = 0; foreach($facilitys as $facility){ $fac = $facility->nodeValue; $faccount ++; } } } ?> Details for <br /> <b>Warning</b>: Undefined variable $name in <b>/var/www/vhosts/hotelsinscotland.org/httpdocs/hotel-details.php</b> on line <b>156</b><br /> : HotelsInScotland.org

Details Currently Unavailable

Unfortunately the details for this hotel are currently unavailable, please visit our hotel search page to find and book hundreds more hotels across scotland.

Warning: Undefined variable $name in /var/www/vhosts/hotelsinscotland.org/httpdocs/hotel-details.php on line 313

" ; elseif ($star ==2) echo "2 Star Hotel" ; elseif ($star ==3) echo "3 Star Hotel" ; elseif ($star ==4) echo "4 Star Hotel" ; elseif ($star ==5) echo "5 Star Hotel" ; elseif ($star =="NC") echo "Not Classified" ;?>   " ; elseif ($rating ==2) echo "Average Guest Rating" ; elseif ($rating ==3) echo "Average Guest Rating" ; elseif ($rating ==4) echo "Average Guest Rating" ; elseif ($rating ==5) echo "Average Guest Rating" ; elseif ($rating ==6) echo "Average Guest Rating" ; ?>

    nodeValue; $thumb = strpos($pic,"detail"); if($thumb == true and $thumbcount < 8) {?>
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    To check live availability and book a room at
    Warning: Undefined variable $name in /var/www/vhosts/hotelsinscotland.org/httpdocs/hotel-details.php on line 368
    please follow the link below.
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<b>Warning</b>:  Undefined variable $name in <b>/var/www/vhosts/hotelsinscotland.org/httpdocs/hotel-details.php</b> on line <b>371</b><br />

  • Hotel Facilities »

    nodeValue; $facarray[] = $fac; } ?>

      ', PHP_EOL; foreach($list as $item){ echo "\t", '
    • ', $item, '
    • ', PHP_EOL; } echo '

    ', PHP_EOL; } ?>
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